Why we find out our require information on Google?
Everyone Need to get his helpfull information very fast.This is possible when you use the simple and technical path for searching. I gave you a simple tips for searching 😉
- For searching social media first type @ on front FOR EXAMPLE @facebook
- Use # for searching hashtags
- For searching exact data use Quotes "world famous career"
- For combine searching use OR For Example Cricket OR football
- Searching for specific website type site:in start of web For Example site: developmentofskill
- Open a Google Chrome browser.
- First we need to use a special word for searching. For example we need a article on Polio Forestalling . Type Polio treatment and enjoy your needed information
- We use different websites for this purpose.
- Too Many website are available on Google but we use authentic and poplar website for searching.
- Use different keywords for searching
- When you not found needed information, not angry...
- In such case you should search this item on other Languages
- For Example you need a some book type book title if you find this then enjoy your time, otherwise you should select Urdu keywords and try it.
- Gave you a Google a wide range platform for searching
- It's your tech why you use it.
I gave you a more tips very soon.
Thanks for Reading
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Have a nice night 😘