Help full tips for searching

Why we find out our require information on Google?

Everyone Need to get his helpfull information very fast.This is possible when you use the simple and technical path for searching. I gave you a simple tips for searching 😉

  1. For searching social media first type @ on front FOR EXAMPLE @facebook
  2. Use  # for searching hashtags
  3. For searching exact data use Quotes "world famous career"
  4. For combine searching use OR For Example Cricket OR football
  5. Searching for specific website type site:in start of web For Example site: developmentofskill
  6. Open a Google Chrome browser.
  7. First we need to use a special word for searching. For example we need a article on Polio Forestalling . Type Polio treatment and enjoy your needed information
  8. We use different websites for this purpose.
  9. Too Many website are available on Google but we use authentic and poplar website for searching.
  10. Use different keywords for searching
  11. When you not found needed information, not angry...
  12. In such case you should search this item on other Languages
  13. For Example you need a some book type book title if you find this then enjoy your time, otherwise you should select Urdu keywords and try it.
  14. Gave you a Google a wide range platform for searching
  15. It's your tech why you use it.
I gave you a more tips very soon.
Thanks for Reading
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Have a nice night 😘
